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Welcome to
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church


Kirkridge Presbyterian Church is a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are located in Grand Blanc, MI.
We are called to worship, invite, nurture, and serve. Kirkridge is a community where people care for one another, and through us, God reaches out to our neighbors near and far.


Hi! Welcome to Kirkridge Presbyterian. We are so glad that you are here.


In 2024, KPC will have been a part of Grand Blanc for 60 years, and we give thanks to God for planting us in a community that we care greatly about. Throughout the decades, KPC has remained a community of faith that strives to live a life of faith, caring for those within our congregation, throughout the larger community, and our world. Though none of us would claim to be perfect, we do our very best to be faithful and live out Christ’s calling in our lives through worship, fellowship, and service.


Wherever you find yourself in your journey of faith, you are welcome to join us just as you are. Bring your faith and your doubts. Bring your struggles and joys. Join us as we journey together as a family of faith seeking to follow Christ in all we say and do. 

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